Get to Know Me

International Best-Selling Author, Relationship Diversity Advocate, Intuitive, and Conscious Relationship Coach, Carrie Jeroslow, teaches people the tools to relate consciously to themselves and others. She believes that when we learn and accept who we truly are, we are able to be more authentic in our relationships with others. This authenticity brings an unparalleled sense of joyfulness and fulfillment to our lives as a whole.
She has previously worked as a Commercial Casting Director, an Artistic Director for the International show Blue Man Group, and a massage therapist, and has owned a vineyard and winery in Yadkin Valley, NC.
The one constant in her life has been her own path of self-evolution.
She has been seen on NBC, PBS, The CW, featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Winston Salem Journal, Prevention and Newsweek, and has been interviewed by Marianne Williamson, Go All In TV, The ListTV, and many others to discuss the ideas in her coaching, as well as in her first book, Why Do They Always Break Up with Me? Â This process has helped her many clients create profound changes in their relationships and in their lives.
She gets an abundance of joy from working with clients through her intuitive readings, and coaching. It is a passion of hers to assist people on their path of healing and be a witness to their massive transformations.
In 2022, she began her podcast, Relationship Diversity Podcast, where she aims to explore, question, and celebrate all aspects of relationship structure diversity from soloamory to monogamy to polyamory, and everything in between. This is an inclusive space, giving people the permission to design their unique relationships from the knowledge and acceptance of their unique selves.
My Story
I remember my early childhood as being idyllic. My dad worked a lot and my mom stayed home with us kids, preparing three-course meals for every dinner. I had great memories of my dad. He would help me get to sleep at night by tickling my back and telling me that he loved me.
I remember being on the playground in the sixth grade and my friends telling me how perfect my parents were.
Then, seemingly in the blink of an eye, everything changed. My parents were getting a divorce because of my dad’s infidelity.
At once, all my sense of security and comfort was stripped away. I didn’t know which way was up.
What had happened to my life?
This began my fundamental distrust in men.
I never dated in high school and very rarely in college.
I graduated and moved to New York City.
Although all my dating was casual, every single man broke up with me. WITHOUT FAIL.
I knew healing my childhood pain was essential, except I had no idea how to do it.
At that point, I began to read books about spirituality and healing.
Everything began making sense on a deeper level than ever before. I began to see how my experience with my dad played out in my relationships.
Fast forward a few years. I was several years, hundreds of books, and many non-traditional therapists into my healing process.
Then, one day, as if the Universe saw all my hard work, Matthew and I connected through a mutual friend. Within 3 weeks of phone conversations and a visit, we were engaged and happily married within a year.
The connection I had with Matthew was like one I had never experienced. This was my reward, I felt, for all the transformative healing I had done up until then.
We were married in 1998, and over the following six years, our friendship deepened and blossomed. He was my best friend, but he wasn’t my lover. And in 2004, he said that he wanted to divorce.
There I was again; broken up with.
My tears didn’t stop for weeks and weeks, and a deep resolve overcame me.
I had to heal the relationship with my father – the “initial wound.” That became my sole focus, and I knew I needed help to do it. I couldn’t do it on my own this time.
For the next three months, with the help of wise coaches, I dove into myself – perhaps the deepest I ever had.
I began to look at my father and his decisions differently than ever before. Now that I had the experience and perspective of being married, his actions looked different to me. As I began to see that there was a reason I experienced this in my childhood and began to see the lesson and how it contributed on my path in this lifetime, my whole world shifted.
My father even came to visit me in Las Vegas (where I lived). We talked in my car in a parking lot for hours about his relationship with my mother, the divorce, and his thinking. He shared things with me that I never could have imagined hearing my dad say. He told me that through it all, he was most concerned about me. He said that he had no idea how to deal with all my anger.
We finished that conversation as the angels cheered in unison.
From that moment on, we have been close and accepting of each other’s choices, even if we don’t agree with them.
I feel a love toward him and all of his quirks. We laugh and joke, even about those quirks.
It was the deepest form of healing I ever experienced, and it created a ripple in the fabric of my future.
After that transcendent healing, my relationships were completely different. I felt confident and secure, dating with a sense of inquisitive openness, and I had incredible experiences, whether fleeting or sustained.
I walked each of them with an awareness that there was perfection in and a lesson attached to each experience. I even had an eighteen-month relationship with a man going through a divorce who also had a fourteen-year-old daughter. I was now the “other woman” and the teenager wanted absolutely nothing to do with me, still angry about her parent's separation. Talk about perspective!

Then, in 2005, my beautiful future husband walked into my office. We knew each other for eight years, having worked in the same company, but lived in different cities and traveled in different circles. All the healing I did opened the way for this cosmic reunion. Within five months, we were dating. In less than a year, we were engaged, and we married in November 2007. He is everything I ever wished for – my dream come true.
My journey took so long because I had to find my way. It was perfect for me, I know that, but it was during a time where access to this kind of information wasn’t readily available. When I had my spiritual awakening in 1994, there was no Google or Yahoo.
However, my process, although lengthy and winding, was the process I love leading my clients through in my 8-Week Relationship Re-Programming Intensive.
It is my intention that, by having the steps laid out succinctly, you will be able to find your path with greater simplicity. Having led many clients through this process, I know that although this process is simple, it isn’t always easy.
However, this process is possible. I have seen it work for so many people, and I experienced it myself. If you can make the commitment with great resolve, you will be in amazement of what your life can look like!
Connect with me if you are interested in exploring my 8-week 1-to-1 offering!
I want to create better relationships!